REF NO: FMD/01/06/25/10 (2X POSTS)
Finance Management Division.
Chief Directorate Accounting, Directorate Central Accounts, Debtor Management
SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 5) CENTRE : Pretoria.
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 certificate (NQF 4) or equivalent.
Matric certificate with Finance/Accounting related subjects, post matric qualification in Finance/Accounting, a minimum of one year relevant experience and a valid RSA/Military driver’ license will be an added advantage.
Special requirements (Skills needed): Computer literate in MS Office, MS Word and Excel.
Basic knowledge of the processes and procedures of the collection, recording, and management of debt and related accounting transactions.
Reasoning, mathematical and problem solving ability.
Ability to effectively communicate with clients/debtors.
Positive, trustworthy, loyal, sound judgemental ability and aiming for zero defect.
DUTIES : Rendering support and assistance in controlling and maintaining current and new Departmental debt in the DOD.
Regularly implementing actions to recover outstanding debt from serving and ex-members of the SA National Defence Force (SANDF), Public Service Act Personnel (PSAP) and private institutions.
Implementing and maintaining processes to effectively handle Departmental debt.
Registering, preparing outgoing correspondence and processing all related accounting transactions.
Liaising and corresponding with the State Attorney’s office.
Implementing effective actions and processes to ensure that deadlines are met and that Departmental debt is recovered.
Constant collaborating, liaising and communicating with the Finance Clerk Supervisor in control of the section.
Strict application of the prescripts contained in the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Treasury Regulations (TR’s) and other applicable instructions.
Recording, filling and safeguarding of all debtors administration related documentation and information for future reference and audit purposes.
ENQUIRIES : Mr K.O. Nyamane, tel: (012) 392 2778.
APPLICATIONS : Applications must be submitted through the post to: Financial Management Division, DFSS, Career Management Section, Private Bag X137, Pretoria, 0001 or email to Precious.
In case where applicants are stationed in the Pretoria area, applications may be hand delivered to:
Poynton building, 195 Bosman Street, Pretoria where it must be placed in wooden post box number 5 at Reception.
NOTE : Financial Management Division is guided by the principle of Employment Equity Act; therefore,
all the appointments will be made in accordance with the Employment Equity target of the
Preference will be given to African males, White males, Indian males, Indian females, Coloured males, Coloured females and Persons with Disabilities.
Shortlisted candidates will be subjected to pre-entry assessment: (a) practical exercise which is assessment based on the post’s technical and generic requirements (b) integrity (Ethical Conduct) assessment based on three factors: oral examination, computer-based assessment and written evaluation.